Sandeep Balaji

2430 S Mill Ave, ARIA ON MILL 109, Tempe, AZ 85282 · (480) 577-5641 ·

Turning coffee into Code | 3 Hackathons winner


Software Engineer

Arizona State university

python Shell scripting Linux Docker Kubernetes Ansible PHP
  • Developed web application for hosting Mathematics quizzes which are used by 2500 students.
  • Implemented a recovery strategy for failures in Math web application which decreased downtime by 80%.
  • Troubleshooting applications for critical bugs and maintain backend architecture.


Software Engineer (Startup)

python Flask C++ Shell scripting Linux Docker Kubernetes Ansible
  • Designed applications for parallel execution of text cleaning on a corpus of over 1 Billion lines.
  • Manage, improve and monitor cloud infrastructure and applications on AWS & GCloud.
  • Designed architecture for the speech decoding application that serves over a million users per day.
  • Developed REST APIs for speech decoding, diarization using Flask and released public API.

AUG 2017 - JUL 2018

Software Engineer

Tata Consultancy Services

python Java SpringBoot Hibernate Oracle SQL PL/SQL Shell scripting
  • Implemented Goods & Services Tax in Oracle Financial application by developing Spring boot APIs.
  • Developed stored procedures for defragmentation of all schemas in an Oracle database on 800 GB data.
  • Redesigned the application for CI & finance data flow which reduced the load by 30%.

DEC 2015 - AUG 2017


Arizona State University

Masters in Computer Science
Computer Science

GPA: 3.67/4

AUG 2018 - MAY 2020

BMS College of Engineering

Bachelors in Engineering
Electronics & Communication

GPA: 8.05/10

AUG 2011 - MAY 2015


Programming Languages & Tools


  • Sunhacks ‘18 - Best IoT hack & 2nd place
    Computer Vision application for fall detection of elderly and emergency alert that saves $50/month.
  • Inferno Hacks ‘18 - 2nd place
    Google assistant application to train employees. Uses spaced repetition and vocalization to improve recall by 92%.
  • 1st Hack Arizona ‘19 - 2nd place in ‘AI in Recruitment’ category
    Platform for recruiters and applicants that predicts the probability of getting hired/becoming a top performer.